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Create Diary

Create A Dream Diary
by: Annette Beveridge-Young

How many times have you forced yourself to sit in front of a computer and waited for inspiration to strike?Most of us at some point, whether just starting out or even an experienced published writer, have suffered from the proverbial writers block or have struggled to kick-start their creativity.

Sometimes ideas just flow and writing our article or story is easy. Inspiration flows over us like waves and the subsequent finished piece is almost word perfect and requires very little editing. But for those times when inspiration is on holiday or worse, on strike, help yourself to master those off days by creating a dream diary.

If you are one of those unfortunate people who believe that they rarely dream or at least have trouble remembering them, a dream diary is obviously going to be a problem.But you can train yourself to remember your dreams in the mornings, but this may take time and practise.

Try leaving a notepad by your bed or invest in a Dictaphone, at least if you do wake up during or after your dream, you can leave instant notes for yourself. Just in case on falling asleep, you eliminate all memory of this wonderful plot.

Even nightmares can be a useful aid to creating a masterpiece, so next time you experience one, look to the positive, and tell yourself that this is going to help you get work published. For those interested in the meaning of dreams, invest in a good book, and not only can you create a great story but you can also work out what made you dream this particular scenario in the first place. It may well provide answers to questions in your everyday life.

As a child, I had the same recurring dream where I was in my back garden and a dinosaur type large red bird, chased me from one length of the garden right up to my back door, which I managed to slam shut and lock with only seconds to spare. Scary? Of course…but the experience helped me to be able to pace my stories and to link tension into the right places of my plot.

I have often wondered what psychologists would make of my numerous and often odd, dream sequences and it is probably just as well that they have never been analysed by anyone other than myself.Although your dream may be vivid and almost overwhelming in its clarity, in the cold reality of daylight, many flaws can be present with that creative enlightenment. But remember, your dream is there to prompt you with a possible story line, it is not set in stone and you do not have to copy it, stage by stage.

Use it to express yourself in a new and different way. It may also be useful to close your eyes and try to re-live your dream in your minds eye. Remember what you felt, sights, sounds, familiar scents, allow yourself to forget the present and immerse yourself back in your dream.
You will be amazed at how much you find you can remember and new scenarios may well fall into place as you practise this gentle meditation.I once dreamed a whole episode of Star Trek, complete with regular cast, a few new characters thrown in and of course, I took the lead role in the drama. I have never attempted to write an episode for television and one for a program, which relies on much technical input, would probably not be for my first attempt, however, the plot (if I say so myself) was exceptional and it is recorded in my dream diary for future use.

Whilst there would be very few changes to the initial plot, I was very surprised by the amount of technical knowledge sustained which proved to me just how much information our subconscious thought process retains and then subsequently uses in the course of our nightly shenanigans.If you are lucky and your creative tact needs no prompting, you will not need to refer to your dream diary all that often, however, it can be interesting to read back over your entries over a period of time and ascertain just how far your imagination has taken you.

Just remember, in your dreams you are not restricted by earthly ties and you can let your imagination loose in the knowledge that inspiration is guiding you.Using a dream diary allows you to access your creative zone deep in the dark recesses of your mind and to harness that creative power. Do not waste this opportunity to provide original thought provoking ideas, just remember to record them carefully.

Ideas are gold dust and could, one day earn you a great deal of money as well as providing an insight into a side of your personality very rarely seen.


5 Benefits of Keeping

5 Benefits of Keeping a Personal Journal
by: Patti Testerman

Everyone who has kept a personal journal knows that writing is a therapeutic process that helps integrate seemingly unconnected life events. Some believe the process works because the physical act of writing (using your hand-eye coordination) occupies your left brain, leaving your right brain free to access emotions, intuit connections, and create new insights.

How else can journaling help?

1. Journaling reduces stress by getting “monkey mind” thoughts out of your head. Mind chatter is a powerful stressor, stressor is a powerful health-buster, and journaling the chatter is a proven chatter-buster.

2. Writing about problems gives your right brain food for creative problem-solving. It’s amazing what happens when the creative part of your nature starts working on a problem—you’ll soon find solutions bubbling up from your subconscious.

3. Keeping a daily diary is one of the best techniques for discovering patterns, particularly those that are self-defeating. For example, a diary kept over the course of several months will clearly show any reoccurring difficulties like overeating, stress eating, poor (but similar) choices in relationships.

4. Want to better know yourself? Journal. Writing can help clarify your thoughts, your emotions, and your reactions to certain people or situations. In addition, as you read back through past journals, you’ll have ample evidence of the things that make you happy and those that are distressful.

5. Journaling can help clarify events, problems, or options. When you’re beset with a mind full of fuzzy, disconnected thoughts flitting here and there, writing about the event or issue will help bring focus and clarity. It will also help you decide on which action to take, or option to choose.


Freelance Writing Resources

Top 10 Freelance Writing Resources On The Internet
by: David Drake

If you are new to home based money making industry as a writer, RentACoder is probably a good place to start from because its procedures are quite straightforward. Signing up for this website is totally free but you will need to pay 15% of each project you win, as a service fee. Since the money is escrowed by your buyer before project inception, your payments are guaranteed if you do a quality service.

There are many job postings at scriptlance, however; many of those projects never get rewarded. It is quite difficult for a beginner to start off at scriptlance because there is a lot of scamming going on in the bidding phase. However, if you are able to build a good reputation, you can be sure to have a lot of buyers awarding you projects on long term basis.

Guru is a professional freelance website which allows free membership as well as subscriptions known as Guru VENDOR. Although there are many job listings, many buyers choose to have Guru Vendors bid for their projects, so if you sign up with a basic account, you might not go too far with this website.

Elance too has two categories of membership; basic which is free of charge and professional which should be subscribed to. Upon sign up, you cannot bid on any project until you pass an evaluation test from the website. Elance too is a secured site as it facilitates payment escrow.

This is a biggest classified portal on the internet and so possibilities of finding work in here is endless. As a writer you could either search for freelance work or post an advertisement promoting your services, free of charge. The downside is that, according to website rules you cannot post too many ads as you will become suspended from the website.

This website operates quite similar to RentACoder with the exception of allowing free memberships as well as, premium memberships. Their commission per project is 10% of the project value plus a fixed charge of $5.00 The downfall however is that, if your account remains on zero balance for over 30 days, it will be frozen.

This is a very professional website with a lot of professional and highly paid writing jobs on the offering. However, you will need to subscribe as a member to work. But the good news is that you can apply for a trial period of 7 days by paying only $2.95 thereby, you can have a taste of what you are getting in to before investing money on membership. If you are a professional writer, is your perfect opportunity. Signing up for their service is easy however; you will only be able to take up projects once your application is accepted by the website within two weeks.

You will find quite a lot of writing related freelance opportunities at getafreelancer. Membership is free and here’s how it works. Getafreelancer allow new users to make only 15 bids per month. For each month a writer remains a member at the website, 1 point is added. So if your membership is 1 year old, you will get the chance to bid on 27 (15 + 12) projects per month.

This is a supermarket of freelance writing jobs. What this website does is to obtain feeds from top freelance websites and display all relevant jobs. So if you don’t have time to spare on several websites, this will be your ideal shopping place.


Simply Being a Writer:

Simply Being a Writer:

1. Writing in Creative Way

“My goal as a writer isn’t to change the world. I’m content to brighten someone’s weekend.”
—Debbie Macomber

“I was a financial journalist and I did love to write. I used to read novels avidly on the train—and one day I just decided to try and write one. As soon as I started, I knew I'd found the thing I wanted to do.”
—Sophie Kinsella, author of Confessions of a Shopacholic

“I want it to be the kind of book that will stick with them a bit, the way books I liked when I was that age stuck with me”—Ann Brashares, author of Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants

2. Novel & Cerpen
“Hampir tujuh tahun, saya ada di bidang kedokteran dan itu jadi selling point bahwa setiap penulis punya style berbeda.”—Nova Riyanti Yusuf, penulis Mahadewa Mahadewi

“It’s completely overwhelming, seeing the name of my book in print somewhere official. What a dream came true!”
— Lauren Weisberger, author of The Devil Wears Prada

3. Start from Scratch
“Much of what is in The Princess Diaries books is taken directly from my own diaries that I keptwhen I was in high school…” — Meg Cabot

“I find that reading is, for me, the best way to keep up with current and cutting-edgetechnology…”
— Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park

“Carry a note-book as you never know when inspiration will strike!”
— Cathy Hopkins, author of Mates, Dates series On this blank piece of paper...

4. Elements of Writing Novel
“Theme, theme, and theme. That’s the very first thing pop up in my mind when I’m ready to create new story.”
— Nicholas Sparks, author of A Walk to Remember and The Notebook

“Having only imagination is not enough. You have to go through the core of the story and feel every single breath of it.”
— Stephen King

“If you're going to have a complicated story you must work to a map. Otherwise you can never make a map of it afterwards.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit

“Every good book begins with good characters.”
— Jasmine Creswell

“Don’t blab your story out to everyone. Only show it to those who will give constructive criticism.”
— Sitta Karina, author of Lukisan Hujan

5. Other Important Stuff
“I would write for an hour each morning, then start to work—60 to 80 hours per week, as a State Representative. My goal was simply to finish the first manuscript. It was only a hobby, a very secret one.”
— John Grisham, author of A Time to Kill and The Painted House

“I do have to be in the mood to write. No point sitting down every day and just writing. If I'm bored my readers will be bored, so I always wait for inspiration to strike.”—Jane Green, author of Jemima J and Mr. Maybe

6. Some Useful Tips



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